I love the Prairie Fire Wheel menu, and have customized it using the custom Gesture Wheel Menu module and this function called from the init.sqf: VN_fnc_wm_init
The custom menu works great, but there is one problem: At mission start it auto-displays the wheel menu, and player must close it. It's annoying and disconcerting for user to see the wheel menu without actually hitting the key to pop it up. Consider modifying the function to not automatically pop up the menu.
Please disregard the above. There is actually no need to call VN_fnc_wm_init. To get a custom menu that you manage via a parameter array, you simply place the Custom Gesture Wheel Menu module, and then use the following code to set its parameters via overwriting the global var, like below. Works great!
_mainPath = "vn\ui_f_vietnam\ui\wheelmenu\img\handsignals";
vn_module_gestureMenu_list =
[(_mainPath+"ui_wm_selector_hand_001_ca.paa"), "", [ ["vn_handsignal_freeze", "STR_VN_UI_WM_SELECTOR_HAND_001_DN"],"vn_fnc_playGesture"] ]
,[(_mainPath+"ui_wm_selector_hand_005_ca.paa"), "", [ ["vn_handsignal_spotted", "STR_VN_UI_WM_SELECTOR_HAND_005_DN"],"vn_fnc_playGesture"] ]
,[(_mainPath+"ui_wm_selector_hand_011_ca.paa"), "", [ ["vn_handsignal_line", "Form Line"],"vn_fnc_playGesture"] ]
,[(_mainPath+"ui_wm_selector_hand_003_ca.paa"), "", [ ["vn_handsignal_attack", "STR_VN_UI_WM_SELECTOR_HAND_003_DN"],"vn_fnc_playGesture"] ]
,[(_mainPath+"ui_wm_selector_hand_002_ca.paa"), "", [ ["vn_handsignal_regroup", "STR_VN_UI_WM_SELECTOR_HAND_002_DN"],"vn_fnc_playGesture"] ]
,[(_mainPath+"ui_wm_selector_hand_010_ca.paa"), "", [ ["vn_handsignal_trap", "STR_VN_UI_WM_SELECTOR_HAND_010_DN"],"vn_fnc_playGesture"] ]
,[(_mainPath+"ui_wm_selector_hand_006_ca.paa"), "", [ ["vn_handsignal_down", "STR_VN_UI_WM_SELECTOR_HAND_006_DN"],"vn_fnc_playGesture"] ]
,["A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\handdrawn\ambush_CA.paa", "", [ ["vn_handsignal_double", "Setup Ambush"],"vn_fnc_playGesture"] ]
,[(_mainPath+"ui_wm_selector_hand_012_ca.paa"), "", [ ["vn_handsignal_column", "Form File"],"vn_fnc_playGesture"] ]
,[(_mainPath+"ui_wm_selector_hand_016_ca.paa"), "", [ ["vn_handsignal_move_out", "STR_VN_UI_WM_SELECTOR_HAND_016_DN"],"vn_fnc_playGesture"] ]