To make sure everyone can get playing as quickly as possible below are a collection of Frequently Asked Questions about the DLC.
If you can't find the answer to your question in this post please ask it here and someone will get back to you as quickly as possible.
For bug reports please create a report here so we can keep track of it and ensure it gets fixed.
How do I load the DLC?
The DLC can be loaded via the Arma 3 launcher by navigating to the DLC Tab and under optional DLC ticking 'S.O.G. Prairie Fire'
How do I load the DLC on my dedicated server?
A guide for setting up the DLC on your dedicated server will be released in the future, currently, it is best to check with your hosting provider.
The general steps are to enable the creator DLC steam branch on your server and add -mod=vn to your startup command. Some providers such as havoc have already provided a guide the ones we're aware of are linked here: - ARMAHOSTS
On a Linux server the commands are as follows :[INDENT]# Install steamcmd
sudo apt-get install steamcmd
Install the Arma 3 dedicated server, replace STEAM_USERNAME with your steam username. Enter password as needed.
steamcmd +login STEAM_USERNAME +force_install_dir ~/arma3server/ +app_update 233780 -beta creatordlc validate +quit
Start the server with S.O.G. Prairie Fire loaded
cd ~/arma3server && ./arma3server -mod=vn
The wiki page on dedicated servers can be found here and server configs here
What is the EMM (Enhanced Multiplayer Menu) and Can I disable it?
The Enhanced Multiplayer Menu is an overhaul of the vanilla server browser, it has been created to make finding and playing on servers easier as well as reconnecting to previous servers. EMM can be disabled/enabled at any time in the main menu options by clicking 'standard multiplayer menu'.
[INDENT]Is there any documentation/a wiki?
The wiki can be found here, it is currently a work in progress and more pages will be added over time
Will you add X or change Y?
Unfortunately, we are not able to discuss any future development plans for S.O.G. Prairie Fire.
Will there be future updates?
I think we can firmly say yes there will be updates. We can't disclose any planned content (to avoid broken promises), but as you're all providing such excellent feedback, we would hope to address most of it in future updates.
Can I use the SOGPF soundtrack (OST) in my videos and streams?
The performing rights of these tracks are not restricted by the publisher if used as follows. Owners of the soundtrack who might wish to use tracks in combination with gameplay from S.O.G. Prairie Fire on social media are free to do so, within reason. You can buy the soundtrack here:
Note: This does not mean you may publish the entire soundtrack. Normal action will be taken to remove any publications that have the sole purpose to re-upload the soundtrack. This is basically piracy and undermines our charity fundraising for special operations veterans.
Missions[INDENT]How do I load Missions / Scenarios on my dedicated server?
To select and play missions on your dedicated server follow these steps:
1) Copy the steam workshop URL and download the PBO from here
2) Place the PBO in your mpmissions folder on the dedicated server
3) The first person to join the server will be given a mission selection screen, from MAPS choose Cam Lao Nam, and from Missions select the mission you would like to play
How do I host missions locally?
To host missions locally go to multiplayer on the main menu, click 'Host Server' and fill out the options (ensuring to select internet if the other players are not on the same wifi as you). This will take you to a new screen where you can choose the terrain and mission you want to play. It is worth noting that in order for other players to connect from different networks you will need to open ports on your router.
While the steps to port forward are different for every router the general steps are:
1) Find the IP Address of your router, it can usually be found by typing ipconfig into cmd and looking for the 'Default Gateway' Address
2) Log in to your router, this can be done by entering your gateway IP address into a web browser and entering the credentials usually included on a sticker on your router
3) Find the port forwarding section and open UDP ports 2303-2306
Why isn't there friendly AI in the Co-op Campaign?
[INDENT]The cooperative campaign is designed and developed for cooperative gameplay in the spirit of the experiences of our MACV-SOG veteran advisors. Already in early testing, it was very clear that any attempt at running the campaign in single-player with AI would not at all reflect these experiences. Unable to change the AI we decided to stay true to our veterans and NOT market the campaign as a single-player campaign with AI. However as some of us managed to enjoy the campaign solo we left the option available, with the hope that players might try it and find a few friends to team up with.
[INDENT]Do I need TFAR to play Mike Force?[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Some of the official servers are using the TFAR BETA, to play on those servers you will need to download and install the TFAR BETA from here and to join our official Team Speak. Official Servers which do not have TFAR in the name are not using the mod and can be joined without installing any mods.
Teamspeak IP Address:
You will not be automatically moved into the channel and will need to join the TFAR channel with the same name as the server you are playing on.
When I load the campaign there are no player slots available?
If you aren't seeing player slots when trying to play the campaign this is likely because Arma Units is down (this often happens on weekends due to a high volume of users) unfortunately, this also affects singleplayer. Waiting on the unit selection screen will usually result in the slots showing up however the exact time this takes can vary.[/INDENT]
Modules[INDENT]Bellow is a quick summary of the most used modules, a full guide/documentation on all of the modules is a work in progress and can be found here
Advanced Logistics
The advanced logistics module will enable new abilities in your mission, notable the ability for players to move items and load them into vehicles.
Advanced Revive
The advanced revive module enables the ability to revive and drag downed units.
Aircraft Master Arm
The aircraft master arm module allows synced objects to have a new action 'Master Arm' when looked at while in an aircraft, this allows you to change the loadout and paint job on the aircraft you're currently piloting.
Disable Radio / Ambient Voices
The disable radio module when placed will disable all the CDLC radio music. The Disable Ambient Voices module will prevent the AI from speaking on cam-lao-nam, and the enable module will allow them to speak on other terrains.
Quality of Life Additions
The quality of life additions module allows you to toggle players' access to certain features such as earplugs.
Tunnel Entrance
The Terrain Tunnel Entrance module is how you can access the tunnels on the terrain and add them to your mission, once the module is placed you can edit the options by double-clicking on the module. This will allow you to change aspects such as the amount of AI occupying the tunnel, what faction the AI is, and what tunnel complex you want to use. Wherever you place this module is where the entrance to the tunnel will be so make sure to place it somewhere players can access it. Wiki Page
White List Arsenal
The White-listed arsenal module allows the restriction of the arsenal to only use CDLC assets, it can be selected to only affect equipment, vehicles, or both.
Mechanics / Assets[INDENT]
How do I use the melee system?[/INDENT]
[INDENT]You can access the melee system at any time by changing the fire mode on your weapon until it states 'melee' and then using your attack button to melee attack.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Why is the Mi-2 found in S.O.G. Prairie Fire so small?[/INDENT]
[INDENT]According to our research, the Mi-2 in S.O.G. matches the size of the real-life helicopter, this conclusion is based on the data we could find at these 3 Sources:
The Mi-2 in S.O.G. Prairie Fire is 11.9 Meters in length and 3.75 meters in height, closely matching those sources.
Why was the Mi-2 chosen as the PAVN instead of other known aircraft?
This was a deliberate decision by the team for balance purposes. The PAVN used a variety of helicopters over the war and not many of those actually seen unless across the border in Laos and North Vietnam. Many of those helicopters are not actively used in the Close Air Support role in comparison to the Huey helicopter or other American rotary aircraft featured during that period as the US Forces and their allies held a vast Air Superiority over South Vietnam. Post-war the Mi-2 received modifications in Poland that although historically were not featured in Vietnam allow PVP servers like KOTH to have a helicopter that is on part with the gunships featured on the BLUFOR side of the DLC. Helicopters like the Mi-24A were received by Vietnam but only as late as 1975 and were not used in the conflict against forces in the South.
How do the Radios in SOGPF Compare to Real Life Radio Usage?
In SOGPF we have various radios depicted for both the BLUFOR and OPFOR sides. For the BLUFOR the main radios featured are the URC-10, PRC-77 and the VRC-12 (VRC-47 configuration). For OPFOR we designed the M252b Field Telephone, Type 84 and the Type 102E radios. These radios are used extensively differently than how they are featured within the DLC however they are the radios we chose to replace the Short Range, Long Range and Vehicle Mounted radios that could be TFAR compatible with our own uniquely designed user interface.[/INDENT]
Terrain[INDENT]Where is Cam Lao Nam based off?
Cam Lao Nam is a fictional terrain based around 3 real-world locations merged into one, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.
Are the tunnels actually on the map?
Yes, the tunnels are actually on the map and can be used in any mission via the Terrain Tunnel Entrance Module.
Workshop / Modding[INDENT]
How do I publish Missions / Mods to the Workshop for S.O.G. Prairie Fire?
To publish mods for the CDLC to the workshop, when using the publisher tool under item metadata select tags, and under the required DLC section select 'S.O.G. Prairie Fire DLC' this will make your mod/mission appear under the correct category in the steam workshop.
Are reskin templates available?
Currently, no reskin templates are available and we cannot discuss future plans.
How can I find user-made missions/mods for the CDLC?
User-made missions/mods can be found by navigating to the steam workshop and selecting 'S.O.G. Prairie Fire' under the DLC section in tags[/INDENT]