I am trying to add the radio support module to my SOG Prairie Fire mission, but have run into a problem: in trying to add the config to the description.ext, the module does not function at all.
I am trying to limit the radio support feature to only be used by players that are playing as RTO's and I've found the basic config for that from the SOG wiki; they provide a default CDLC config for it here:
However, adding that into the description.ext, simple copy/paste without changing any of it, and then updating my dedicated server with it after packaging it into a pbo as normal, no one has the ability to use the radio support function. Changing anything results in the same (ie: making it so only RTO players, or adding the: this setUnitTrait ["vn_artillery",true,true]; to the unit in eden and then enabling only players with that trait being able to use it in the config).
I have the module down, the RTO unit I've put down is in the config (vn_b_men_army_08), and the mission runs fine. Just no access to the radio support feature.
As stated, the config is from what I believe is the official SOG wiki, and it is copy/pasted into my description.ext, but even setting the variable to allow anyone to use the radio support to true, not a single player unit has access to it. And without the config in the description.ext, the module seems to work with my most recent test.