I've been playing since release now and have a few opinions / gripes if you'd even call it that.
1.) Is there a plan to have any type of limit to amount of people per Role (i.e. Green Hornets / ACAV / Mike Force / Spike Team). I've played on quite a few servers and it always seems that people overwhelmingly choose Green Hornets and over half of a 32 man server is in a Pilot role.
2.) Piggy backing off my first point, if a role limit is not feasible, then what about the possibility of a drastic reduction in the amount of usable CAS? Right now there's 2 Cobras, 4-6 Huey Gunships, a Phantom, and 2 Cayuse Gunships? Would it be more feasible to have an "arsenal" type spawn for the Green Hornets where only say 1 Cobra, 1 Phantom and 1-2 Huey Gunships can be active at a time? Majority of every Green Hornet player flies around in some type of Gunship and it really takes away from the Mike Force. Whenever I play Mike Force I feel like I just go sit on a FOB and shoot random enemies every now and then because everywhere around the FOB is a Green Hornet in a CAS role blasting every piece of grass, and if you even dare to venture out of a safe area you have a 50/50 chance of getting team killed by a pilot who refuses to look at a map or read side chat. Not to mention reducing the amount of CAS would make the Radio class a relevant class selection for the Mike Force
3.) If there's is going to be an abundance of usable choppers there should be more Slicks in my opinion as 2 is too little, perhaps reducing some of the "transport" Cayuse platforms.